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Hier finden Sie das vorläufige Programm* der INAC 2025!
Die INAC 2025 wird sich in 5 große Themenblöcke gliedern:
- Session 1: Natural Hazard Management in an Adapting Alpine Environment
- Session 2: Gravitational and Hydrological Hazard Processes in a Changing Climate
- Session 3: Sustainable Protection Measures and Safety Concepts
- Session 4: Compound Events and Cascading Process Chains
- Session 5: Innovative Solutions for Natural Hazards: Industry Sessions @ INTERALPIN **
* Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich hierbei nur um ein vorläufiges Programm handelt und es noch zu Änderungen kommen kann.
** Im Rahmen des Kongresses wird es die Möglichkeit geben, an einem geführten Rundgang in der INTERALPIN Messe teilzunehmen, den sogenannten „industry sessions“. Hier werden ausgewählte Aussteller kurze Vorträge zu praxisorientierten Themen geben. Die Führungen werden sowohl in englischer als auch deutscher Sprache angeboten werden.
Montag, 5. Mai 2025
01.45 pm-02.00 pm: Congress Opening
Chair: M. Keiler (Innsbruck)
02.00 pm-03.30 pm
02.00 pm-02.15 pm: Managing Alpine Hazards in a Changing Climate - Challenges and Solutions
F. Rudolf-Miklau (Vienna)
02.15 pm-02.30 pm: How Does Climate Change Affect the Snow Conditions and Snowmaking Capabilities of Ski Areas in Austria?
S. Drechsel (Innsbruck)
02.30 pm-02.45 pm: Natural Hazard Management and Change Processes in Ski Resorts
R. Klier (Innsbruck)
02.45 pm-03.00 pm: Opening, Securing or Closing Mountain Roads. Changes in the Management of Natural Risks by Alpine Societies (1824-2024)
E. Mouret (Grenoble)
03.00 pm-03.15 pm: Avalanche Mitigation in a Changing Climate and Its Public Perception in Austria
I. Reiweger (Vienna)
03.15 pm-03.30 pm: Monitoring of Glacier Risks at a Regional Scale
F. Troilo (Courmayeur)
Chair: R. Hofmann (Innsbruck)
04.15 pm-5.30 pm
04.15 pm-04.30 pm: Runoff Processes in Alpine Catchments - Characteristics, Triggers and their Changes
G. Meißl (Innsbruck)
04.30 pm-04.45 pm: New Normative and Digital Instruments in Avalanche Protection
F. Oesterle (Innsbruck), M. Granig (Innsbruck)
04.45 pm-05.00 pm: Rock Fall and Rock Avalanches in the High Alpine Environment
C. Zangerl (Vienna)
05.00 pm-05.15 pm: Lessons learnt from the Debris Floods that Occured During Storm Alex, 02/10/2020 (French Maritime Alps)
C. Misset (Gières)
05.15 pm-05.30 pm: Marmolada Glacier, July 3, 2022: from the Collapse to the Rescue, from Monitoring for Safety Purposes to the Understanding of the Causes of the Event
M. Gaddo (Trento)
06.00 pm: Welcome Reception
Dienstag, 6. Mai 2025
Chair: W. Gallmetzer (Bozen)
09.00 am-10.30 am
09.00 am-09.15 am: Climate Risk Assessment Approaches for the Infrastructure Sector: Insights from National and International Projects
J. Schmieder (Innsbruck), K. Schneeberger (Innsbruck)
09.15 am-09.30 am: Global Change Impacts on Avalanche Protective Forests: What Do We Know and Where Do We Grow from Here?
M. Teich (Innsbruck)
09.30 am-09.45 am: Central Office for Engineering Structures and Georisks: Management of Geohazards on Roads of the Bavarian Road Administration and the Monitoring of Protective Structures Against Alpine Natural Hazards
A. Koch (Munich)
09.45 am-10.00 am: Non-Structural Mitigation Measures: the Experience of the Debris Flow Warning in the Boite Valley, Dolomites (Veneto Region, Italy)
M. Cesca (Belluno)
10.00 am-10.15 am: Safety Concepts for Remote Avalanche Control Systems - Example from Switzerland
L. Stoffel (Davos Dorf)
10.15 am-10.30 am: Road Protection in Tyrol Using Examples from the Landeck District
R. Zach (Innsbruck)
10.30 am-11.15 am: Coffee Break
Chair: S. Wernhart (Vienna)
11.15 am-12.45 pm
11.15 am-11.30 am: Compound and Cascading Processes – New Challenges Ahead?
N. Salzmann (Davos Dorf)
11.30 am-11.45 am: Risk Management in the Field of Weather and Avalanche Warning Services for Railway Infrastructure Providers
C. Rachoy (Villach)
11.45 am-12.00 pm: Hazard Mapping in Norway: A Multi Process Site with a Long History
K. Bergbjørn (Skjomen), M. Hannus (Tromsø)
12.00 pm-12.15 pm: Torrent Processes and Climate Changes - Protective Engineering Adaptation Strategies from Practical Engineering Experience
M. Moser (Tamsweg), L. Puschmann (Tamsweg)
12.15 pm-12.30 pm: Historical Experiences on Avalanche Mitigation in Widespread Settlements in Norway and Demands on Future Development
P. Gauer (Oslo)
12.30 pm-12.45 pm: Guideline for Reducing the Impact of Forest Roads on Surface Runoff
C. Karnitschar (Klagenfurt am Wörthersee)
12.45 am-03.00 pm: Lunch Break
03.00 pm-05.30 pm: Industry Sessions*
Guided tour of INTERALPIN trade fair with stops at selected exhibitors
07.30 pm: Snow Crystal Gala
An evening event with culinary delights, live bands and artists
Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2025
11.15 am-12.15 pm: INTERALPIN Inspiration Days*
Focus on Natural Hazards - Discussion: J. Fischer (Innsbruck), G. Walter (Innsbruck)
11.15 am-11.45 am: Natural Hazard Management in an Adapting Alpine Environment and Compound Events and Cascading Process Chains
M. Keiler (Innsbruck)
11.45 am-12.15 pm: Gravitational and Hydrological Hazard Processes in a Changing Climate and Sustainable Protection Measures and Safety Concepts
12.15 pm-02.00 pm: Lunch Break
02.00 pm-05.30 pm: Open INTERALPIN VISIT*
* findet in der Messe Innsbruck statt