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Here you can find the preliminary INAC 2025 program*!

* Please note that this is just a preliminary program and there may still be changes.

** As part of the congress, there will be the opportunity to take part in a guided tour at the INTERALPIN trade fair, the so-called “industry sessions”. Here, selected exhibitors will give short presentations on practice-oriented topics. The guided tours will be offered in both English and German.

Monday, 5th May 2025

01.45 pm-02.00 pm: Congress Opening

Session 1: Natural Hazard Management in an Adapting Alpine Environment

Chair: M. Keiler (Innsbruck)

02.00 pm-03.30 pm

02.00 pm-02.15 pm: Managing Alpine Hazards in a Changing Climate - Challenges and Solutions
F. Rudolf-Miklau (Vienna)
02.15 pm-02.30 pm: How Does Climate Change Affect the Snow Conditions and Snowmaking Capabilities of Ski Areas in Austria?
S. Drechsel (Innsbruck)
02.30 pm-02.45 pm: Natural Hazard Management and Change Processes in Ski Resorts
R. Klier (Innsbruck)
02.45 pm-03.00 pm: Opening, Securing or Closing Mountain Roads. Changes in the Management of Natural Risks by Alpine Societies (1824-2024)
E. Mouret (Grenoble)
03.00 pm-03.15 pm: Avalanche Mitigation in a Changing Climate and Its Public Perception in Austria
I. Reiweger (Vienna)
03.15 pm-03.30 pm: Monitoring of Glacier Risks at a Regional Scale
F. Troilo (Courmayeur)

Session 2: Gravitational and Hydrological Hazard Processes in a Changing Climate

Chair: R. Hofmann (Innsbruck)

04.15 pm-5.30 pm

04.15 pm-04.30 pm: Runoff Processes in Alpine Catchments - Characteristics, Triggers and their Changes
G. Meißl (Innsbruck)
04.30 pm-04.45 pm: New Normative and Digital Instruments in Avalanche Protection
F. Oesterle (Innsbruck), M. Granig (Innsbruck)
04.45 pm-05.00 pm: Rock Fall and Rock Avalanches in the High Alpine Environment
C. Zangerl (Vienna)
05.00 pm-05.15 pm: Lessons learnt from the Debris Floods that Occured During Storm Alex, 02/10/2020 (French Maritime Alps)
C. Misset (Gières)
05.15 pm-05.30 pm: Marmolada Glacier, July 3, 2022: from the Collapse to the Rescue, from Monitoring for Safety Purposes to the Understanding of the Causes of the Event
M. Gaddo (Trento)

06.00 pm: Welcome Reception

Tuesday, 6th May 2025

Session 3: Sustainable Protection Measures and Safety Concepts

Chair: W. Gallmetzer (Bozen)

09.00 am-10.30 am

09.00 am-09.15 am: Climate Risk Assessment Approaches for the Infrastructure Sector: Insights from National and International Projects
J. Schmieder (Innsbruck), K. Schneeberger (Innsbruck)
09.15 am-09.30 am: Global Change Impacts on Avalanche Protective Forests: What Do We Know and Where Do We Grow from Here?
M. Teich (Innsbruck)
09.30 am-09.45 am: Central Office for Engineering Structures and Georisks: Management of Geohazards on Roads of the Bavarian Road Administration and the Monitoring of Protective Structures Against Alpine Natural Hazards
A. Koch (Munich)
09.45 am-10.00 am: Non-Structural Mitigation Measures: the Experience of the Debris Flow Warning in the Boite Valley, Dolomites (Veneto Region, Italy)
M. Cesca (Belluno)
10.00 am-10.15 am: Safety Concepts for Remote Avalanche Control Systems - Example from Switzerland
L. Stoffel (Davos Dorf)
10.15 am-10.30 am: Road Protection in Tyrol Using Examples from the Landeck District
R. Zach (Innsbruck)

10.30 am-11.15 am: Coffee Break

Session 4: Compound Events and Cascading Process Chains

Chair: S. Wernhart (Vienna)

11.15 am-12.45 pm

11.15 am-11.30 am: Compound and Cascading Processes – New Challenges Ahead?
N. Salzmann (Davos Dorf)
11.30 am-11.45 am: Risk Management in the Field of Weather and Avalanche Warning Services for Railway Infrastructure Providers
C. Rachoy (Villach)
11.45 am-12.00 pm: Hazard Mapping in Norway: A Multi Process Site with a Long History
K. Bergbjørn (Skjomen), M. Hannus (Tromsø)
12.00 pm-12.15 pm: Torrent Processes and Climate Changes - Protective Engineering Adaptation Strategies from Practical Engineering Experience
M. Moser (Tamsweg), L. Puschmann (Tamsweg)
12.15 pm-12.30 pm: Historical Experiences on Avalanche Mitigation in Widespread Settlements in Norway and Demands on Future Development
P. Gauer (Oslo)
12.30 pm-12.45 pm: Guideline for Reducing the Impact of Forest Roads on Surface Runoff
C. Karnitschar (Klagenfurt am Wörthersee)

12.45 am-03.00 pm: Lunch Break

Session 5: Innovative Solutions for Natural Hazards

03.00 pm-05.30 pm: Industry Sessions*
Guided tour of INTERALPIN trade fair with stops at selected exhibitors

07.30 pm: Snow Crystal Gala
An evening event with culinary delights, live bands and artists

Wednesday, 7th May 2025

11.15 am-12.15 pm: INTERALPIN Inspiration Days Focus on Natural Hazards*
Discussion: J. Fischer (Innsbruck), G. Walter (Innsbruck)

11.15 am-11.45 am: Natural Hazard Management in an Adapting Alpine Environment and Compound Events and Cascading Process Chains 
M. Keiler (Innsbruck)
11.45 am-12.15 pm: Gravitational and Hydrological Hazard Processes in a Changing Climate and Sustainable Protection Measures and Safety Concepts 

12.15 pm-02.00 pm: Lunch Break

02.00 pm-05.30 pm: Open INTERALPIN VISIT*

* at Messe Innsbruck / Exhibition Centre Innsbruck


INAC | Program
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